Watt Whisky Merchandise, get your Watt Whisky Merchandise here!
We've been working away behind the scenes trying to get a web shop up and running (not for whisky, just for branded Watt Whisky merch) but it's proving a bit more time consuming and complicated than we first thought.
I'm sure we'll get there eventually. In the meantime though, we have created a few products on Red Bubble (a print on demand service that I've used before for my Whisky Impressions stuff so I know how it works!) for those of you that have been asking about t-shirts. It's not ideal as some of the logo/t-shirt colour combos don't work (ie white print on a white t-shirt) but there isn't a way to deselect certain colours so we'll just need to trust our customers not to order them!
As well as the ubiquitous t-shirts, we've added some ladies' fit t-shirts, long sleeved t-shirts, baseball shirts (cause obviously Scotland is well known for baseball) as well as stickers and mugs and a host of other clothing type items. I'm also working on a couple of Christmassy designs just for fun which will be added shortly if you need something festive to wear for this year's Zoom Christmas Parties.

Please excuse the cheesy product shots but makes a change from Mark modelling our t-shirts!